One thing I have learned in order to be successful in my fitness goals is I need to plan and I need to have a goal to work towards. For me, I have found that if I plan what fitness activities I will do on what days of the week I am more apt to do them. Don't get me wrong, I am not so stringent that I don't allow for a little flexibility but I initially start with a plan and try my darnedest to stick to it.
Running and yoga are the main activities I choose to do each week. I squeeze my running in early, early in the morning. As for yoga, I am fortunate enough classes are offered over the lunch hour nearby where I work - two of the three classes I attend each week are even free - JACKPOT!
I make sure I get all of my "stuff" ready the night before so it is easily accessible in the morning. On Monday I bring to work with me the things I will need for yoga for the entire week. This way I have no excuses. My stuff is all ready.
As for my goal, I've been working on increasing my running distance each week in preparation for my first half marathon in November. Each day I run I have a mileage goal which - you guessed it - I have planned out for the week. My initial goal for my first half marathon is to finish it. After that success I will work on my times - viola a new goal to work towards. Everyone is different, the key is finding what works for you!
Don't set yourself up for failure. If you aren't able to do what you planned for the day. Do it on another day, shuffle your days around. If you can't do it at all that week, no worries, do it the next week. Plan, have goals, but be flexible and realistic!
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